24 Sep The Karawa Family
Excited about having her first born baby and their first grandchild, the Karawa family didn’t expect what was about to unfold.
In March of 2018, Setaita gave birth to baby Asinate at 7 months. She hadn’t prepared for this, but took it in her strides to stand by and do everything she could for Asinate.
I was expecting that we were going to be at the hospital for a few months only. This wasn’t to be as baby Asinate was faced with multiple complications.
Our story was far from sunshine & rainbows. Baby Asinate was given multiple transfusions and multiple times she was desaturating and numerous times I was told by nurses to wait outside as they try to revive Asinate. It is really heartbreaking especially for a first time mum.
Proud grandmother, Titilia had full time work with other children to tend to and being the sole-bread winner, she had to juggle between her family, work and attending to her daughter and new granddaughter.
We really went through so much. I would go and see them every morning and every afternoon after work and try to help my daughter out.
A few months after being in hospital, the Ronald McDonald Family Room came to be and opened at the CWM hospital.
‘The Family Room was such a blessing to our family. My mum didn’t have to worry about me as much now as the basics of what you expect at home was provided here’, says Setaita.
‘Our laundry was now done at the room and this was a big relief for my family especially for my mum who didn’t need to worry about all the travel she’d have to make to ensure we had clean clothes,’ she adds.
My family would like to thank Ronald McDonald House Charities and to everyone that donates to RMHC. You don’t realize how much this means to families at a time when everything is at a standstill.
Baby Asinate went home two weeks after celebrating her 1st birthday at the hospital and is recovering well.